Friday, November 29, 2019

Drugs Affect College Students Essay Example

Drugs Affect College Students Essay While advancing to college, countless students begin to possess habits that have a negative effect on his or her health, emotions, and relationships with others. These habits include drugs, lack of sleep, unhealthy eating routines, and numerous others. College can be a very stressful environment for students, causing them to obtain new habits that are very harmful. Students feel as though these habits will help with the stress in their lives, but unfortunately it only makes them sick and harms their emotions and relationships. One major habit that students experiment with is drugs. There are many drugs or harmful substances that only harm college students. These harmful substances include alcohol, ecstasy, meth, and caffeine. Students use these drugs to obtain a â€Å"high† but are unaware of the fact that many times students become addicted. A substance that once gave a student energy, may turn into a substance that drastically changes their life. Alcohol is a major drug abused among college students. This drug has been traced back as early as 3,500 B. C. Experts believe it was first introduced in Egypt in the form of wine. Alcohol has been the main item at social gatherings, religious ceremonies, and for personal use. The students tend to use alcohol to have a good time and to relieve some stress. Although alcohol is used to have a fun time, it is a depressant. It is common that users are unaware of the dangerous side effects of this drug, both short term and long term. The most immediate effect of this drug is mood change. Individuals have different reactions to the drug. These reactions include becoming quiet, loud, funny, or even angry. When an individual is under the influence of alcohol they reduce his or her sensitivity to pain. We will write a custom essay sample on Drugs Affect College Students specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Drugs Affect College Students specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Drugs Affect College Students specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This effect becomes very dangerous because individuals may become unaware to an injury. The use of alcohol also affects the vision of the user. It is common for individuals to believe they are sober enough to drive or believe they are able to drive under the influence. Studies have shown that one third of all fatalities in New York State involved drivers or pedestrians who were under the influence. Many individuals do not take into consideration that driving under the influence may result in fines, revocation of the license for a year, and even jail time. If alcohol is used regularly over a larger span of time, individuals may cause their body great harm. Alcohol abuse is linked to medical conditions such as organ failure and even cancer. College students begin to drink alcohol very irresponsibly among friends. Alcohol is a common drug among college students and has a negative effect on studying, along with school grades. Seventeen Magazine explains to individuals that alcohol alters their ability to think and causes them to see the world through â€Å"beer goggles. With â€Å"beer goggles† on, students don’t always make the best choices. It is common that an individual under the influence of alcohol takes part in activities he or she normally would not. These activities could include drugs, unprotected sex, and being distracted from school. Individuals often do not remember the activities they were included in under the influence of alcohol. Through research and studies, it is believed that 60 percent of young women wi th sexually transmitted diseases acquired them while having sex under the influence of alcohol (Fine 32). Alcohol causes students to become careless with school and sluggish with school work. It is apparent that alcohol is harmful to an individual’s health and life. Ecstasy, another common drug used by young adults, has some positive effects, along with many negative. Ecstasy, also known as X, MDMA, XTC, Eve, Adam, and the love drug, is part of the Entactogens drug class (Kuhn, Swartzwelder, and Wilson 80). The word entactogens also mean to touch within (Holland 22). Ecstasy was first introduced in 1912 by two German Chemists. It was later made popular in 1978 by Sasha Shulgin and Dave Nichols. The group of psychotherapists believed the drug would be useful in psychotherapy. They thought it would be a useful drug to aide individuals in opening up to counselors and being able to find a state of mutual understanding. Although the drug was meant for psychotherapy use, it found its way into the drug scene (Kuhn, Swartzwelder, and Wilson 81). Ecstasy comes in a tablet form and is usually swallowed or crushed up and snorted. This drug is commonly found at rave parties and other dance parties. It is used to enhance the mood among the party members. Ecstasy is extremely popular among young adults due to the effect it has on an individual. Ecstasy is known as the love drug because of the warm feeling it provides the user with. Kuhn, Swartzwelder, and Wilson note that it causes the user to have good feelings for all those around them (80). It also provides the user with an extreme feeling of empathy. Encarta Dictionary defines empathy as the ability to identify with and understand another persons feelings or difficulties. A first time user described the effect of the pill, ecstasy: What happens is, the drug takes away all your neuroses. It takes away you fear response. You feel open, clear, loving. I cant imagine anyone being angry under its influence, or feeling selfish, or mean, or even defensive. You have a lot of insights into yourself, real insights that stay with you after the experience is over. It doesnt give you anything that isnt already there. Its not a trip. You dont lose touch with the world. You could pick up the phone, call your mother, and shed never know. (83) It is true the drug gives individuals a warm feeling towards others, but it also has negative effects that may harm the user. The short term effects that are associated with ecstasy is involuntary teeth clenching, transfixion on sounds and sights, nausea, chills, and even blurred vision. Ecstasy may also cause an increase in heart rate, which may result in seizures. The drug gives users an increase in energy. This allows users to dance for extended periods of time. This effect is extremely dangerous due to the fact that users are usually in crowded, hot places. The user is unaware of the fact that he or she is becoming dehydrated and may have to be hospitalized. Studies have shown that ecstasy begins to interfere with memory after several uses. This is a dangerous drug for college students since it is easy to find and has negative effects on the body. Next is the drug Methamphetamine, most commonly referred to as meth, also called crank or speed; is a drug which is quickly gaining popularity across the nation. Described as the being the possible crack of our generation; its even been the center of the award winning television show â€Å"Breaking Bad†. The history of methamphetamine is a short one, as it is one of the drugs which has been manufactured by pharmaceuticals. Meth’s history starts in 1919 when it was synthesized in Japan as a recreational drug; that is until its side effects were found out. The drug saw widespread use in World War II with its greatest villain, Hitler, being a meth addict. Japan stockpiled the drug and gave it to kamikaze pilots so they could fly longer and be more alert. In the United States the Mexican drug cartels and the hells angels brought it into mainstream where it remains to this day. One of the biggest draws to using methamphetamines is the hyper focus many people get while using it; this heightened sense of alertness is a huge draw for college students struggling under a heavy school load. Meth can be taken a number of ways including smoking, intravenously and orally through pills. Surprisingly meth pills can actually be prescribed by a doctor; although the prescribed doses are smaller than what the typical drug user digests. Meth causes a release in dopamine’s and block the reuptake of it; making the drug extremely physically addicting. Many college students try the drug and enjoy a quick jump in their grades; as their attention focuses and they sleep less and accomplish a lot more work. However the addiction can quickly take hold in the midst of their studies, and the use of the drug switches from a study drug to a way to get high. The drug changes the brain at a molecular level, with changes persisting for up to a year after the user quits. Although very similar to cocaine to the other stimulants, such as cocaine or amphetamines, the side effects are worse and the addiction more gripping. Long term use can cause weight loss, anxiety, confusion, insomnia, violent behavior and more. Another more obvious effect is the physical transformation which heavy users undergo; with dental problems and gaunt faces, ads of people before and after meth have been pasted all over the internet and television. These ads are one of the reasons why usage has actually been decreasing over the years; however in many poor areas students still get hooked on the drug attempting to help up out their school work. As one of the manufactured drugs meth is made with chemistry equipment and household items. Which brings college students to another issue, the drug is extremely cheap to make, and for a person studying chemistry a seemingly simple one to make. The most difficult ingredient for meth is the common cold drug ephedrine, which has been picked out by the government and made difficult to acquire in mass. However being a effective and popular cold drug named Sudafed the government can’t completely ban it. While searching for the many recipes to make meth, chemicals that commonly show up are sodium hydroxide, also name lye which can be used to dissolve bodies. Ammonia, red phosphorous which are used in match heads, ether another xtremely flammable liquid, Drano, butane, hydrochloric acid, and lithium which probably taken from old batteries rather than a dealer authorized to sell lithium. All of these chemicals could be bought in a trip to Wal-Mart or a local hardware store. Flammable chemicals combined with people using cheap and dirty equipment the odds of disaster increase by a large margin. More alarming are the new methods of making meth are easier and safer, with one using only a few of the above ingredients and a couple of two liter soda bottles. All of these factors make meth a simple drug for college students to acquire. While many will enjoy the quick boost in grades and attention span, the horrible addiction and dangerous ingredients make it an extremely hard drug to quit. Another common harmful substance among college students is caffeine. Caffeine is the most widely consumed substance that has a significant effect on the mind by individuals. Caffeine is a â€Å"potent and quick-acting drug which produces an effect similar to the stress response in our bodies† (pe2000). It was made popular in the 17th century throughout Europe. It was seen as a fashionable, delightful drink and individuals began to produce cravings for the substance (Burchfield). Caffeine is a chemical that is produced naturally in over one hundred plants. It is found in many different beans that are usually crushed up into powder, which is used for numerous different drinks. Caffeine is usually taken in as a drink. It is found in coffee, soft drinks, teas, energy drinks, and several other beverages. Caffeine is extremely popular among college students due to the effects it has among the body. Individuals tend to use caffeine to aide in staying up late to finish homework assignments or studying for tests. College students tend to become dependent upon the substance even as it starts to harm them over time. This substance is found in many different everyday food products and effects individuals differently. Depending upon a person’s sex, weight, and build, caffeine will affect him or her differently than others. This substance has an almost instant effect upon the user’s mind and body. It continues to affect the user for six to eight hours after the initial intake. Caffeine stimulates the heart and nervous system. It causes the users blood pressure to rise and quickens blood circulation throughout the body. Caffeine tends to upset an individual’s stomach due to the fact that it causes the stomach to produce more acid. This causes an individual’s lining in their stomach to become irritated. Short term effects can be accompanied by long term after excessive use. Although caffeine stimulates the brain, too much caffeine may cause the â€Å"jitters. † Individuals who are addicted to caffeine may suffer from headaches, irritability, or agitation (pe2000). Caffeine addiction is very difficult to break. It is best for an individual who is addicted to caffeine to ease off the substance slowly over a period of one to two weeks. It is beneficial to attempt to cut off the greatest source of caffeine to start with, usually coffee. Easing off the use of caffeine reduces the user’s chance of a dramatic drop in blood pressure. Caffeine withdrawals have many side effects of their own. The side effects can begin in as little time as six to eighteen hours after the sudden stop of caffeine intake. Withdrawal effects include drowsiness, irritability, restlessness, and reduced concentration. The user may also suffer from headaches or muscle cramps. It becomes a dangerous substance to be addicted to and is a very difficult addiction to break. Many college students become addicted to this harmful substance and are unaware of the harm they are causing their bodies. Alcohol, ecstasy, meth, and caffeine are all harmful substances that are found among college students. They are substances that at first give students energy to accomplish the tasks at hand. They eventually cause great damage and cause harm to a student’s life. They affect a student’s dedication to school, friends, and family. Harmful substances are difficult to avoid, but a student should set it as a goal to avoid such substances.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Field Project essays

Field Project essays (1) The vast array of flashy shops and trendy restaurants, preceding the Newark Shopping Center, make up the second definite commercial landscape of East Main Street. The second landscape which includes a jamboree of barbershops, pizza kitchens, and flower boutiques begins close to the bike shop, which neighbors the outdated railroad tracks, and ends near the Main Street Galleria. This shopping area provides ease and sufficiency to the town of Newark by catering to every individuals needs. The third commercial landscape that Main Street is home to, can be recognized towards the end of the street. Before the two lane road splits, a number of buildings can be seen that serve a different function. By remodeling and building, the University of Delaware has transformed this area into a functional part of the campus where students can meet with one another, hold activities, and get advisement on their route to their degree. The College of Arts and Science, the Trabant, and various other campus buildings can all be found in this area. (2) Two medium sized brick houses lay side by side just east of the Vision Center of Newark. Although both look fairly weathered and aged, the one to the far left has been recently face lifted. Bright green window shutters and new doors were added to freshen up the look of this business office. The house in its entirety is still prominent, but its purpose today is different than that of many years ago. Besides a few home improvements, the house closer to the vision center has been left untouched. It, unlike the house on the right, does not seem to function as a business. The structure of both houses suggests that they were well suited for the colder parts of the year. A chimney to keep warm, a basement for lost of storage, and an attic accompany the two main floors. (3) While walking down Main Street not many great architectural buildings catch the eye, but one that does is St. Johns R.C. Chur...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Human Resource Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Human Resource - Coursework Example The world has become a social platform, everyone is communicating with everyone on the ground of internet and mobile phones, the entire world is not connected at all times. Humans go out and they socialize with people on different occasions. This interaction with people then further develop into relationships, they find some to be beneficial and other to be not. During our interaction with other we find certain similarities and certain difference, and finally, we develop our relationship with those we feel comfortable. This all starts with communication at personal and professional level. At home, school, offices, social gathering and other related platforms. In our paper, we would look how the theories have been applied by us on our daily basis and how they have affected and impacted us. Theories The two theories under review are the symbolic interaction theory and social penetration theory. The two theory are the different perspective of how the societies interact with each other and how they make sense of the world around. The first of the two theories Symbolic Interaction Theory takes society as a product of the everyday social interaction of individuals. It also studies how people use symbols to create deeper meanings. The theory was formulated by Blumer in 1969 and the inspiration of the theory was further developed in 1981 by Dewey, this scientist believed that human beings are best understood if studied practically in an interactive environment (Sparknotes, 2014).

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Muslms and health Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Muslms and health Care - Essay Example Muslims have clear ideas about their medical care due to religious beliefs. This has to be taken into consideration by non-Muslim doctors. Since there are millions of Muslims in the United States, with a growing population, their needs are significant. Many Muslims have no choice but to be treated by a non-Muslim doctor. If their needs are not met, many Muslims would rather practice their religion than get medical care. This would be a travesty. American citizens would be suffering from third world illnesses just because doctors do not meet their needs. Muslims believe in transplantation and organ donations, HIV/AIDS treatment, non-abortive contraception methods (IMANA Ethics Committee, 2005). However Muslims do not believe in assisted reproductive methods, surrogacy, abortion, morning after pill, cloning, or medicines with alcohol (IMANA Ethics Committee, 2005). Another issue is modesty and opposite gender examination. Hajabs, head coverings, must be worn in public (Abdullah, 2008). Public includes hospitals. Opposite gender examinations can be preformed if a third party witness, the same sex as the patient, is present. These rules are important to a Muslim. If a doctor understands these rules, then they can form a treatment plan the patient is more likely to follow. Muslim doctors and health personnel know what treatment plans that Muslims would be more likely to follow. However not all Muslims are treated by doctors from the Muslim faith. Not all non-Muslim doctors are familiar with Muslim religious needs. Many Americans are informed about Muslims through stereotypes on television. This needs to change. The only way to improve this issue is effective communication with the patient. Effective communication will enhance a doctor’s cultural competence in addressing Muslim needs. There two different ways to have effective communication with a patient. The first is asking a patient that walks in with a Hajab what

Monday, November 18, 2019

How can product innovation help build competitive advantage for Essay

How can product innovation help build competitive advantage for cosmetic firms in London Case Unilever - Essay Example The researcher states that intense competition from globalisation, more sophisticated consumers from the fragmentation of markets, and constant changes in technology have forced the companies in the last two decades to focus on the process of product development. These three forces that lead to the process of product development also intensified competition between firms. According to Porter the process of product development is characterised by the continuing need to research new materials and introduction of innovations in their product lines. This fact can be considered an important factor to competitiveness in the sector. In this highly competitive and globalised world, according to Gerry and Whittington, companies have changed the way they conduct business. However, organisation must bring new ideas such as product innovation and management, which can be used as a tool to achieve higher productivity. The modern enterprise world is full of innovation that can help build competiti ve advantage. In virtually every field companies are faced with new products, new processes and new services which are available to the consumer market at a pace never seen before. The velocity of the transformations of the last decade is impressing even in the largest companies.To achieve a position of market leadership it is not the product quality that matters; product innovation is an essential ingredient to gain competitive advantage. Products, processes and services are the new aggregate values which generate advantages over competitors. Innovators have a considerable advantage over the other participants in various consumer markets. (Burgelman and Grove 2007). In the past decade, product innovation has been approached by many authors, scholars, businessmen and academics. Every business wants to be innovative, but they sometimes encounter obstacles and difficulties which block the path to product innovation. In trying to be innovative in the pursuit to gain competitive advanta ge, an organization can face several difficulties. For instance, there could be restriction of resources or they could have difficulties in implementing an environmental and an innovative organisational culture that emerge due to the resistance (Makari 2000). In addition, they may not reach a suitable level of innovation. The cosmetics industry includes the areas of personal care, perfumery and cosmetics. The cosmetics companies focus on product development to gain competitive advantage. The product development process, according to Gill and Johnson (2011), is characterised by the continuing need for research in new materials and introduction of innovations in its product lines. This fact can be considered an important factor to achieve competitiveness in the sector. There is heterogeneity in this industry, because of the presence of large international companies, diversified and specialised in the sector of cosmetics, is contrasted with a large number of small and medium-sized comp anies with operations focused in the production of cosmetics (Gill and Johnson 2011). According to Gerry and Whittington (2011) transnational corporations adopt strategies defined with respect to the development of new products by investing in specialised centres of research and development (R & D), in partnerships that are external and in management processes with structured knowledge. Small and medium sized businesses often lack the necessary capital to carry out research and development. They are apprehensive of investment or an economic-financial situation as they are aware of the risks inherent in new product development. Also, many of these companies do not have knowledge management essential for product development processes.. London predominantly has the presence of l

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Communicative Language Teaching And Communicative Competence

Communicative Language Teaching And Communicative Competence Hymes pointed out that those rules are the knowledge of the rules of socio-cultural communication with others; how, what, where, when and in what aspect language is spoken in a proposed society. Therefore, according to Chomsky it can be described as the knowledge of the grammatical and speech rules of a language and the ability to use these rules in the away that does not deviate from the native-speakers style to use the language. Hymes, however declared that this definition is not appropriate and, instead, he suggested that effective performance is not the result of linguistic competence given by Chomsky, but by knowledge of the rules of the socio-cultural communication too, and hence communicative competence is actually what results in appropriate performance. Hymes theory took the attention of many syllabus designers to adopt on communicative competence. For instance, Canale and Swain, suggested models for classroom teaching using Hymes views. Van Ek and Alexander (1975), and Wilkins (1976) presented the Notional Syllabus. This syllabus is distinguished by its attention to functions and notions as applications of Hymes views. Curriculum writers like Widdowson (1978,1979), Munby (1978), Breen and Candlin (1980), Littlewood (1981), Brumfit and Johnson (1983), Yalden (1983) Johnson, applied Hymes views and devised communicative teaching materials based on these views (Richards and Rodgers, 2001). The CLT has been widespread based on Hymes views occurred in the 1970s. It has established as an approach in the field of language teaching, in which the four language skills (reading, listening, writing and speaking) are correlated appropriately, comprehensively and communicatively. This way of teaching defers it from the other teaching methods as for it engages the teachers and students, along with and the materials working as one component towards the use of language as one unit. Lindsay (2006: 21) points out that it could be said that the communicative method is a result of linguists satisfactory with the traditional methods as these methods put little, if any, emphasis on the ability to communicate or interact. However, Richards Rogers (1986: 50) pointed out that Communicative Language Teaching is best considered as an approach rather than a method. Also, Rogers (2001: 9- 10) made a distinction between methods and approaches: methods are teaching systems with prescribed techniques and practices, but approaches deal with language teaching philosophies that can be implemented in the classroom in different styles. Widdowson (1990: 159) explained that the communicative approach concentrates on getting learners to do things with language, to express concepts and to carry out communicative acts of various kinds. The content of a language course is now defined not in terms of forms, words and sentence patterns, but in terms of concepts, or notions, which such forms are used to express, and the communicative functions which they are used to perform. Richards Rogers (1986: 49) stated that the theory of teaching underlying the Communicative Approach is holistic rather than behaviouristic. It starts from a theory of language as communication, which implies knowledge of the grammatical system as well as performance. Also, Aqel (2006) pointed out that the aim of this Communicative approach is to prepare students for meaningful communication, where errors are tolerated. The amount of exercises and activities involved with a communicative approach is not restricted and connected with the constructivist theory of learning. George (1999: 16-17) pointed out that Constructivism is basically a theory based on observation and scientific study about how people learn. It says that people construct their own understanding and knowledge of the world, through experiencing things and reflecting on those experiences. This means that the students effectively create their own subjective representations of objective reality. In addition, the teacher in communicative approach is not the centre of all classroom activities as the focus is mainly directed towards the learners (p. 22). Lantolf (2000) called the communicative methodology and constructivist theory of learning activity theories. It means that teachers and students have to interact and reconstruct socially with ideas and knowledge. (pp. 12-13). 2.2 Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) Communicative Competence (CC) The difference between CLT and traditional teaching methods, like the grammar translation method (GTM) and the audio- lingual method (ALM), is that the CLT approach mainly focuses in teaching and learning a language. The basic goals of teaching using the CLT approach is not rather its structure but communicative function (Littlewood, 1981; 1998). That is, the main goal of teaching and learning a language is to improve students communicative competence (Li, 1998). Thus, theoretically, it is useful to understand and introduce what is communicative competence, before understanding CLT. 2.2.1 Communicative Competence: In the 1970s, many researchers distinguished between linguistic and communicative competence (Hymes, 1967; Paulston, 1974) to point out the difference between the knowledge of the language forms and knowledge that help learners communicate functionally and interactionally. According to Savignon (1997: 272) Communicative Competence is: functional language proficiency; the expression, interpretation, and negotiation of meaning involving interaction between two or more persons belonging to the same (or different) speech community. In addition, Savignon divided communicative competence as having the following elements; 1) communicative competence is a dynamic, but not a static concept. It depends on the negotiation of meaning between two or more learners who share to some extent the same symbolic system; 2) communicative competence involved in both written and spoken language, as well as to many other symbolic systems; 3) communicative competence is context specific. Communication takes place in an infinite variety of situations, and success in a particular role depends on ones knowledge of the context; 4) competence and performance defers theoretically. Competence is defined as a presumed underlying ability whereas performance as the overt manifestation of that ability. Competence is what one knows. Performance is what one does and 5) communicative competence is relative, not absolute, and depends on the cooperation of all the participants (p. 14-15). Savignon has worked on communicative competence, and her work is known and considered in the field. However, Canale and Swain (1980) presented the four- area framework of knowledge and skill regarding communicative competence. They declared that communicative competence involves grammatical competence, sociolinguistic competence, discourse competence, and strategic competence. Then Canale (1983: 7) pointed that grammatical competence focuses directly on the knowledge and skill required to understand and express accurately the literal meaning of utterances. Sociolinguistic competence refers to the learners ability to use the language appropriately in social contexts. Therefore sociolinguistic competence shows the learners ability to go beyond the literal meaning of utterances and recognize what is the intent of such utterances in particular social situations. In addition, Canale (1983: 8) says that sociolinguistic competence is important in explaining utterances for their social meaning. It is important to acknowledge that communicative competence is a major aspect of CLT, and teachers are said to understand its many aspects. 2.2.2 Communicative Language Teaching: Researchers and linguistics have focused on the shift from the language to communication. Brumfit (1988) referred to communication as a task to be performed,

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Blind Mans Bluff :: essays research papers

Blind Man’s Bluff   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sometimes in literature, the characters in the story make an important contribution to society. In the novel, Blind Man’s Bluff, by Sherry Sontag and Christopher Drew, the brave men and women that served in the Navy’s ‘Secret Service’ did just that. If it wasn’t for them, many more lives would have been lost and more land would be destroyed. They had to endure many hardships and suffer for this country.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This book is compiled of many missions that happened throughout the Cold War. It shows what the Naval Program was like during that period and how it changed due to advancing technology. These people operated the spy submarines and risked being killed or captured by the Soviets. One example of this is when Commander Charles R. McVean took his crew and tapped a Soviet telephone line at the bottom of the Sea of Okhotsk. This stopped a potential nuclear war. They also started to make submarines that could dive deeper and explore murky depths.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Other submarines are used for surveillance. If we were suspicious about a certain ship, a surveillance submarine would so out and spy on the ship and see what they were up to. These subs played a huge roll in the war. If a ship was transporting weapons or bomb making materials to the enemy, the sub could ratio to US forces and take over the ship. One very brave commander in the war was Norman G. Bessac. He commanded the USS Gudgeon, which was an old diesel engined submarine straight into enemy territory. The Gudgeon was caught and pounded by enemy subs. One of the very important subs in the war was the Cochino. It monitored the development of the atomic bomb that the soviets were making. Unfortunately the Cochino crashed into the Tusk and set the after-battery on fire. This eventually caused the end of Cochino. Nine days after the Cochino sank the Air Force found evidence that the Soviets detonated a nuclear device.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Importance in shaping law of future

In his first Supreme Court visual aspect, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. famously dissented that â€Å"Great instances, like difficult instances, make bad law† . He was of the sentiment that â€Å"great instances are called great, non by ground if their existent importance in determining the jurisprudence of the hereafter, but because of some accident of immediate overpowering involvement which entreaties to the feelings and distorts the judgement.† [ 1 ] On this note, neither Van Gend en Loos [ 2 ] nor Francovich [ 3 ] would run into the standards. Van Gend was rich in rule but lacked any overtly absorbing facts. Francovich featured a landmark determination by the Court in relation to directives that cultivated mass consciousness within the Community of the statute law with which member provinces are governed. But to any grade, it must be acknowledged that these are extremely of import instances. Both provide the Community with a foundational foundation for the statute law they helped concept. Both focused on the primary liability of Member State for a failure to carry through a Community duty. They tackle the greatest struggles within any statute law, the beginning of ultimate authorization, whether the involvements of both the EC and Member States can be harmonized and whether the system in topographic point can turn out effectual.Direct ConsequenceThe trust which persons place on its regulating jurisprudence system determines its effectivity. Whether the bulk of Citizens within the community acknowledge or rely on the commissariats allotted to them is questionable and to that consequence, EC jurisprudence is frequently undermined. The purpose of this essay is to analyze the Courts instance jurisprudence in relation to EC commissariats and how instruments of implementing these commissariats contrast. With this in head, I plan to measure the direct consequence of these community steps paying peculiar attending to related instance jurisprudence and t he opinions attached. The ever-present defeat that clouds the EC statute law is possibly most normally associated with â€Å"direct effect† and its ever-growing ambiguity. Understanding direct consequence is indispensable in groking philosophies of legal protection and effet utile. The philosophy of direct consequence provides for persons a agency to raise upon national tribunals, commissariats outlined in the Treaties, commissariats including ordinances, determinations and directives that must turn out â€Å"sufficiently clear and unconditional.† [ 4 ] The philosophy allows persons to avail of rights provided by the pacts and their commissariats and the national tribunals must esteem these rights ( Vertical direct consequence ) . Situations besides arise whereby rights are invoked against other persons and private parties ( horizontal direct consequence ) . The Doctrine derives from the struggle that exists between the involvements of EU Courts and member provinces and how to set up a qi. The kernel of the philosophy is that persons may trust upon the commissariats of directives even where the member province has failed to do agreements to impl ement them falsely. Provided that the commissariats in inquiry are clear, precise and unconditioned, direct consequence can be relied on. The Court has refrained from enlarging the philosophy of direct consequence with respects to allowing private parties rely on commissariats and raise them upon persons. The Court, on the other manus has made attempts to slake this aperture by enforcing upon national tribunals to infer national statute law, â€Å"as far as possible in the visible radiation of the diction and the intent of the directive so as to accomplish the consequence it has in view.† [ 5 ] First, I will supply a brief analysis of these EC commissariats. The most important instrument through which the EC may infringe national statute laws is the Regulations found in EC and Euratom Treaties. â€Å"A ordinance shall hold general application. It shall be adhering in its entireness and straight applicable in all Member States† [ 6 ] . They house two important and alone features. They feature a community character which enables them to straight use jurisprudence in full to all member provinces. The Member State here must fulfill ordinances and their commissariats in their entireness and the demands must be fulfilled in the method and timeframe outlined in the commissariats. Nor can the member province under any status introduce statute law that conflicts or encroaches in any manner the ordinances provided. Besides alone is their direct pertinence which allows the Acts of the Apostless to be regarded and relied upon in the same mode as national jurisprudence without he terotaxy into national jurisprudence. All members of the community are bound by Community statute law and as such, must esteem and stay these Torahs as they would their national statute law. Another component of Community jurisprudence which must be respected is that of EC or Euratom Decisions. â€Å"A determination shall be adhering in its entireness upon those to whom it is addressed.† [ 7 ] Decisions are single orders to Member States which are adhering in their entireness. The EC can therefore ask an single or state to perpetrate or exclude a title, or can confer civil rights or raise them against Member States. A determination may be contrasted to a ordinance as it is of single application. A determination inside informations explicitly the names of the individuals who become entirely bound by that determination. It is different to the directive in that it is straight applicable as ordinances are and is adhering in its entireness. Examples of cases where determinations w ere utilized include the granting or refusal of province assistance ( Articles 87 and 88 EC ) , the cancellation of operations including agreements or understandings opposing just competition ( Article 81 EC ) and the infliction of mulcts. [ 8 ]Direct Effect of Directives.Alongside EC ordinances, the European directive must be regarded as the most important bureaucratic mechanism utilised by the European Community. Directives exist in order to unify the struggle in European Law that occurs when set uping the uniformity of Community Law while procuring the cultural and structural nature of single Member States. The intent of directives as we will discourse is dissimilar to that of ordinances in that its purpose is to harmonize Community and National involvements as opposed to enforcing Community involvements. The aim is to accommodate the double aims of both the EC and Member States through bridging their involvements and extinguishing the disagreements that exist between National La w and ordinances. As respects the direct consequence of directives, Article 249 described directives as â€Å"binding, as to the consequence being achieved, upon each Member State to which it is addressed, but shall go forth to the national governments the pick of signifier and methods.† The Directive is acknowledged as being one of the primary instruments utilised to make the individual EU market. They are directed either separately to one Member State or to multiple provinces and necessitate the accomplishment of certain community related ends and marks. They are non straight applicable as ordinances are in that Direct Effect relates to rights formulated by commissariats that are dependable in Member State Courts whereas Direct Applicability is associated with an full legislative act I.e. it becomes portion of National Law. When in operation, directives provide members of the Community with a system for the execution of the intended result. They do non order the agencies of accomplishing that consequence. It has occurred where the statute law provided within a member province already provides for the demands of the directive and they are in bend merely required to maintain this statute law integral. More often nevertheless Member States have to change their statute law to implement the directive right and to the EC ‘s blessing ( referred to as heterotaxy ) . The failure of a province to follow with the demands of the directive or if it fails to change its national statute law as required the Commission can incite legal action against the member province in the ECJ. There are two types of direct consequence as we mentioned ; perpendicular direct consequence and horizontal direct consequence. Where commissariats sing persons rights set out by the EC have non been implemented yet the State or constituencies of the State fail to follow these rights the person may raise ‘vertical direct consequence ‘ . Vertical direct consequence is associated with the legal relationship that exists between EC jurisprudence and National Law and the demand of the MS to guarantee National statute law is in line with EC Law ( see Foster v British Gas Case C-18/89. ‘Horizontal direct consequence ‘ , in contrast, enables citizens to trust on EC commissariats in actions against other persons. An illustration of horizontal direct consequence occurs in the instance of Defrenne v Sabena where it was established that â€Å"The prohibition on favoritism between work forces and adult females applies non merely to the action of public governments, but be sides extends to all understandings which are intended to modulate paid labour jointly, every bit good as to contracts between individuals.† Directives do non hold ‘horizontal direct consequence ‘ in that their enforceability applies merely against the province. The tribunal has refrained from spread outing the direct consequence of directives to enable persons to claim against other private persons. So, although directives have no horizontal direct consequence they do enable perpendicular direct consequence significance persons may raise action against public organic structures. The definition of public organic structures was established in Foster v British Gas ; â€Å"a Directive might be relied on against administration or organic structures which were capable to the authorization or control of the State or had particular powers beyond those which result from the normal dealingss between individuals.† â€Å"a Directive might be relied on against administration or organic structures which were capable to the authorization or control of the State or had particular powers beyond those which result from the normal dealingss between individuals.† It is possible for a Directive to be invoked against â€Å"a organic structure whatever its legal signifier, which has been made responsible pursuant to a step adopted by the State for supplying a public service under the control of the State and has for that purpose particular powers beyond those which result from the normal regulations applicable in dealingss between individuals.† Hence, British Gas, a house which was privatised could be held to be an emanation of the province.Important CasesThe original construct of direct consequence was constructed by the ECJ in the instance of Van Gend en Loos [ 1963 ] . The importance of â€Å"direct effect† was highlighted by the European Court of Justice here. They argued that its function was protective to the citizens of Europe in that they were ensured that Treaty duties could be enforced against Member States therefore rendering Community jurisprudence effectual in their national legal systems. The logic presented by the EC J ensured a important importance for this new legal order. Van Gend nut Loos besides proved of import in that it formulated the standard for admiting when a peculiar proviso can hold direct consequence. For over 5 old ages important arbitration sing the old European Coal and Steele Treaty was scarce and really small definition had been withdrawn from the Treaty. Defining, disputing or watershed instances refering the harmonisation of national Torahs with international statute law were rare sing there were over 70 opinions from 1954 to 1961. In Geus v. Bosch and new wave Rijn nevertheless, the first major inquiry was cast sing how the 1958 EEC Treaty was to be interpreted under Article 177 EEC ( now 234 EC ) . It was foremost recognised by Advocate General Lagrange that greater significance should be placed on a modus operandi which was â€Å"designed to play a cardinal portion in the application of the Treaty: † â€Å"The progressive integrating of the Treaty into the legal, societal and economic life of the Member States must affect more and more often the application. and. . . , reading of the Treaty in municipal judicial proceeding. . . , and non merely the commissariats of the Treaty itself but besides those of the Regulations adopted for its execution and so of legality. Applied judiciously – 1 is tempted to state loyally – the commissariats of Article 177 must take to a existent and fruitful coaction between the municipal tribunals and the Court of Justice and the Court of justness of the Communities with common respect for their several jurisdictions.† It was held by De Geus that the ordinances withdrawn from pact commissariats become instantly applicable statute law. Boding Van Gend en Loos, Lagrange farther elaborated: â€Å"Since the Treaty, by virtuousness of its confirmation, is incorporated into the national jurisprudence, it is the map of national tribunals to use its commissariats, except when powers are expressly conferred on Community organs.† Following on from this was the unequivocal Van Gend instance where the Court established the great rule of direct consequence, supplying that the Treaty of Rome concepts rights for citizens of a Member State which must be protected. An of import instance which helped sketch the cardinal demands of direct consequence was Van Dyun v Home Office ( ( Case 41/74 ) [ 1974 ] ECR 1337 ) . Here entry for a Dutch adult female coming to work in the UK was denied. Van Dyun relied on Article 39 which ensures the right to liberate motion topic to limitations sing wellness and policy. Directing 64/221 provided that anything outside of Article 39 must be based entirely on behavior. Article 39, it was held, was non straight effectual in that farther legal Acts of the Apostless were relied upon by Member States. The directing invoked a comprehensive duty that freedoms may be based entirely on behavior, and this proved straight consequence every bit long as three important conditions were fulfilled. The directing must be ; ( I ) clear, precise and unconditioned, ( two ) non dependant on farther legislation/action by the member province or the Community, ( three ) the day of the month of execution must hold passed. The determination made in Francovich was based on the ‘effective judicial protection and effet useful philosophies. â€Å" [ I ] T has been systematically held, † the Court stated, â€Å"that the national Courts whose undertaking it is to use the commissariats of Community Law in countries within their legal power must guarantee that those regulations take full consequence and must protect the rights which they confer on individuals.† â€Å"The full effectivity of Community Law would be impaired and the protection of the rights which they grant would be weakened, † the Court concluded, â€Å"if persons were unable to obtain damages when their rights are infringed by a breach of community jurisprudence for which a Member State can be held responsible.†See Constitutionalism and Pluralism in Marbury and Van Gend, Daniel Halberstam, hypertext transfer protocol: //, % 20Constitutionalism % 20v.G end % 2008.pdf.Van Gend & A ; Loos, Case 26_62 ( 5 February 1963 )Joined Cases, C-6/90 and C-9/90, [ 1991 ] ECR I-5357Van Gerven, supra note 2 at 680. ][ 1990 ] ECR 1-4135, Court of Justice of the European Communities.Article 249 ECArticle 249 ECFrom hypertext transfer protocol: //

Friday, November 8, 2019

apwh essay unit 4

apwh essay unit 4 apwh essay unit 4 Compare the causes and early phases of the Industrial Revolution in Western Europe and Japan. The causes of the Industrial Revolution in Western Europe and Japan were different even though the outcome of having outstanding and popular revolutions was shared. In Western Europe the industrial revolution was taking place as more and more innovation were flourishing. The work in factories was increased because of the people that would come from agricultural places toward the cities in search for jobs, because agriculture was not providing enough for them. Contrasting that, what lead Japan to their industrial revolution was the stability which they counted with. This stability was related to having a well-functioning market linked to urban and rural areas, which in marked them as capitalist economists. Also the above percentages of women in literacy compared to other parts. Many other things contributed to Japan being a well-organized state which took them to their industrial growth. Compare the Haitian and French Revolutions. The French Revolution had a great impact on the development of the Haitian Revolution. They both had in common that the problem that lead to revolution was social conflict. Within the own place of each one, the disagreement and injustice toward the lower class people pushed them to start a revolution. They also shared the violent and strong radical position in their revolutions. In both revolutions slavery was abolished, even though in France it was temporarily. The idea of citizenship equality flourished as an outcome of both revolutions. There major difference was the influence of each region after their revolutions. France became a very powerful state with its own empire that even tried to conquer and impose their rule and Haiti. Haiti had the intention but since it was thought to do it with France and it didn’t rule, it didn’t have major influence. Compare the roles and conditions of elite women in Latin America with those in Western Europe before 1850. Role of women and conditions of elite women in Latina America and in the Western Europe was not that different. As being part of the elite class, those women had more rights than the working class or middle class women. They usually were in charge of stating home and taking care of the children and household. They were not forced to work usually. Even though they had more rights, they didn’t have much political influence, if any, and the patriarchal system was still prominent. The elite women in both regions, joined the other class women in order to claim for their rights, which later on took more importance and became a movement. They considered that they should have more participation and fought for equality and more liberty. Explain the forms of Western intervention in Latin America, Africa, and Southeast Asia. Western Europe had a clear intervention in Latin America with the Haitian revolution, with France being a big influence in Haiti. Also with the Spanish

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Mary Jane essays

Mary Jane essays Legalization and or decriminalization of marijuana has been sought after, unsuccessfully, for the last 62 some-odd years by an ever-growing number of people. These people stem from all walks of life from high school kids to top-level business executives to doctors to musicians and actors to senators and politicians. The topic, however, is one that has been tiptoed around since the reefer madness disease swept across mainstream America in the late 1930s. All of which was the brainchild of two men: Harry Anslinger, the head of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics at the time and who happened to be related to someone on the board of Dupont, and William Randolph Hearst, who owned a few large newspaper companies. Both of whom are said to be paid off by Dupont, who was very big in the wood-pulp paper industry, and would profit heavily from hemp being outlawed. Marijuana had many uses in our society before reefer madness came to a head. For over 150 years, the second-most prescribed medication in America was a highly concentrated cannabis extract. According to a February 1938 article in Popular Mechanics, a machine called the decoriator could take 1 acre devoted to the cultivation of hemp and out produce 4 acres of traditional wood-based paper, at 1/5 the pollution. Most of the rigging and canvas sails on ships, even through the latter part of the 20th century, were made from hemp. Even the word canvas is Dutch for cannabis. Also, a synthetic compound very similar to PVC can be made from hemp. We are beginning to look towards alternate fuel sources to run our future machines. I say that there is nothing better than cannabis. It can be converted to methane, methanol or gasoline at a fraction of the cost of oil, coal, or nuclear energy. The oil from the seeds can be made into a high quality lubricant that could replace petrol oils completely. Unfortunately, i ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Photographic Portrait Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8000 words

Photographic Portrait - Coursework Example For this he sought a means by which he could generate his work easily through automated image making. Today Photography is a combination of reportage and art. The photographer acts a as manipulator of his subject. He is the creator of his masterpiece unconventional or conventional. It is his knowledge of his equipment his art, his opinion and familiarization of his subject that he can produce and bring forward the unique masterpiece for people to analyze and be mesmerized with. He tells a story through his perspective, his lens. The subject is in the hands of the photographer and it is for him to pull the strings and get the subject do what the photographer wants and produce reactions that the photographer needs. Portrait means painted, drawn, or carved picture of something or a representation of a person especially of face drawn, painted or sculptured. It is also defined as the description or dramatic portrayal of a person. "Portraiture means individualism and as such means diversity, self-expression, and private point of view. The most successful images seem to be those which exist on several planes at once and which reflect the fantasy and understanding of many." Portraiture held different meaning for different times. The oncoming of the twentieth century did away with the carefully poised photographs. The techniques modernized as well as with the subjects the themes as well the photographers. Of the twentieth century the most notable photographers are Annie Leibovitz and Richard Avedon. While Leibovitz style is witty and captures the imagination of the onlookers Avedon's is in contrast captivating with his style of portraying his subjects as edgy. Leibovitz familiarization of her subjects makes them feel easy with her whereas Avedon creates his pictures by making his subjects it in front of the camera and then when they are at ease he shoots. In the 19th century the most popular was miniature portrait which was soon replaced by photography. The first portrait photographers had to compete with the painters so had more of the painter touch to their work. Photography compositions changed in accordance to the period in which they were taken as were themes and subjects. Objective/Aim To study and analyze the theory of photographic portrait and the photographers involved. Learning about the history of photographic portrait and how it evolved during the passage of time. 1- understanding theory of photographic portrait (both historical background and contemporary practices); 2- study portrait work of 2 photographers Avedon and Leibovitz Photographic portraiture: Photographic portraiture has much more to it than just taking a picture and making films. Various tools are incorporated in the process of making a photographic portrait. The goal is always to create something unique. It brings out what is not apparent to the naked eye and instead of capturing the superficial it captures life, personality, mood, relationships etc. A successful photographic portrait is one in which the photographer and the subject both work together in order to obtain perfection. As it aims to bring out the personality hence the subject must be careful about the

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Report to the Board of Directors - 3M Company Coursework

Report to the Board of Directors - 3M Company - Coursework Example In case of determination of impairment of assets, the management has adopted separate measurement techniques of evaluating the different units by categorizing them as profit making or loss making. The price-earnings ratio method has been used for profit-making units, the discounted cash flow method has been used for the loss-making units and the relative fair value method has been used for the changes in products offerings of the different units (Sofat and Hiro, 2008, p.84). The influence of the institutional context and the social context on the measurement choices for accounting treatment have been considered in the process of financial reporting. The necessary changes in the accounting treatment of the company to comply and align with the norms under IFRS have been suggested to improve the process of accounting and financial reporting. ... The contingent assets are also considered for PPE valuation. The management takes into account the historical experiences in evaluating the property, plant and equipment of 3M Company (Khan, 2004, p.49). Based on the past experience and reasonable justification of the related factors, the PPE valuation is carried out by the management. The management, however, believes that the accounting of PPE and the reporting of PPE valuation may differ from the actual value of the total property, plant and equipment. The determination of the value of property, plant and equipment takes into account, the related losses and depreciation of the assets. The valuation of the asset includes the cost of purchase and the cost of installation and other expenses incurred in bring the fixed asset to the location of usage. The cost of maintenance and losses if incurred are also adjusted to determine the value of PPE (Baker and  Powell, 2009, p.68). Apart from the cost or risks, the management also takes i nto consideration the expected flow of money from the use of fixed assets. The reward or the benefits of the assets are also taken into consideration for the purpose of PPE valuation. Evaluation of selected measurement model 2: Differences permitted in Asset Impairment methods and accounting treatment The asset impairment is recognized by the management of 3M Company when the reported value of the assets of the company is greater than the intrinsic values of the assets. The impairment method includes the determination of fair value of assets of the individual units of 3M Company and then comparing with the reported value of the assets of the individual units. The method